What are Analog signals?¶
An Analog signal is a time varying signals which can take any value between a specific range and is defined at each point of time.
What are digital signals?¶
Digital signals are the signals which have a finite set of possible values and they cannot take any other value.
Analog to Digital converter(ADC)¶
Way to convert an analog value to a digital value in Arduino
5 ——> 1023 1 ——> 1023 / 5
3 ——> (1023/5)*3 = 614
Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)¶
As it’s obvious from the name, LDR or a photoresistor is a resistor which changes its resistance value depending upon the intensity of light which falls on it.
Variable Voltage Divider from LDR¶
A potentiometer is a three terminal device with which enables us to vary the resistance to make a voltage divider.
Potentiometer as a Analog Input¶
NTC Thermistors¶
A thermistor is a resistor whose resistance depends upon the temperature of the environment it is kept in. NTC is acronym for “Negative Temperature Coefficient”. Thus, NTC Thermistor is a device whose resistance decreases with increase in temperature.
NTC as an Analog Input¶
To display ADC value from potentiometer on SSD